Rahasia Twitter banyak Follower

Selasa, 18 Desember 2012

Hi twitbro and twitsist *maksadotcom, setelah saia semedi, menimbang, mengingat dan melupakan akhirnya ketemu juga rahasia agar twitter banyak follower, selama ini anggapan para twittist *halaghh , yang banyak follower tuh :
1. Selama ini orang beranggapan yang bisa punya banyak follower itu artis atau orang-orang yang sebelumnya sudah terkenal di dunia, *akherat kagak masuk yah…
2. Selama ini tak jarang pengguna twitter ikut ini itu agar followernya otomatis banyak, kecuali ikut arisan ibu ibu pkk
3. Selama ini tak sedikit yang sengaja pasang foto cantik atau ganteng nya dengan modus menarik perhatian.
4. Selama ini ada yang rela sok jadi artis dengan membuat akun atas nama artis.
5. Dan lain sebagainya yang saia sendiri susah menyebutkan, antara lupa dan tidak ingat, intinya selama ini
Tapi kini anggapan lama itu sirna, kenapa coba ? it cause saat ini sudah terkuak “Tips Sederhana: Agar Twitter Banyak Follower”, mau tau caranya? mau tau atau enggak itu terserah aja, pilihan ada di tangan anda Bung!. So Sist *ala online shop,  gak perlu modal tampang ganteng atau cantik, gak perlu jadi artis dulu atau gak perlu juga pura-pura jadi artis. Cukup ikuti nasehat yang saia sampaikan.
1. Nama Unik: bikin mana akun yang unik, mungkin pakek nama hewan atau setan atau sesuatu yang lagi trendz. Misal nama hewan: GajahPilek, KeboHaid, KadalGalau, dan sekitarnya. Misal nama Setan: Poconggg, Kutilan_ak, Kuntilanak_kribo, SusterNgepet, Genderowo_Imutz dan sebangsanya, atau Misal yang lagi hitz: Kumis_governoor, Boybondnyok, RajaGalau, RatuGombal , Chibichibi_chilukba dan sejenisnya
2. Gaya Lucu: Soal gaya itulah yang paling intim, gaya twitist harus lucu, sok cool tapi tetep gaul, alay, jablay lebay, konyol tapi tidak kontroversial dan sekitarnya.
Dah dua aja cukup, nanti kalau lebih dari 2 namanya gak sederhana lagi tapi rumit! Apakah cara ini sudah teruji? Apakah saia sudah trial? Maap-maap ye, namanya juga penelitian abal-abal so saia gak perlu praktek dukun, lagi pula menulis sesuatu itu gak melulu harus mencoba duluankan :P

FAQ: ( Tanya Jawab )
1. Bagaimana kalau tidak ada ide untuk menemukan nama akun yang unik?
Jawab: Yaaaa, itu Derita elo lah siapa suruh orang hidup kok suka gak punya ide, ato coba ke kuburan, semedi dan nemuin wangsit nama twitter.
2. Bagaimana kalau tidak bisa ngelucu?
Jawab: Yaaaa, itu derita elo lagi, tapi hal paling lucu kalo orang ngelucu ga lucu lohh 
3. Bagaimana kalau ternyata “Tip Sederhana: Agar Twitter Banyak Follower” ini tidak berfungsi sebagaimana mestinya?
Jawab: waduh… itusih nasib naasmu dik, coba minta bantuan pa tarno, prok prok tolong di Bantu yahh tolong yah
4. Bagaimana kalau ternyata “Tip Sederhana: Agar Twitter Banyak Follower” berfungsi sebagaimana mestinya dan bikin terkenal?
Jawab: silahkan selamatan 7 hari 7 malam 7 jam.
Ketentuan Berlaku: “Tip Sederhana: Agar Twitter Banyak Follower” ini Bukan untuk artis, komedian, penyanyi atau public figur lainnya apalagi buat Pa Rt buat narik iuran warga, Tidak berlaku pula untuk orang yang SERIUS yang senyumpun kudu di ancem pake selepet kolor
Peringatan: Ini tip rahasia loh ya, jangan bilang siapa2, kalo bilang ga rahasia lagi donk..
Ketua twitter RT 07

Edit Foto Seperti Photoshop

Hi All,
sering lihat kan foto foto yang di edit, nah sekarang ga perlu skill khusus buat bisa editnya cukup klik link berikut

Fun Photo Box

tinggal pilih deh sobat mau seperti apa hasilnya seperti contoh gambar dibawah

Tips : memakai photo dengan ukuran pixel yang besar maka hasilnya akan bagus
 Selamat Berkreasi Guys.......

Cara Terbaru Menampilkan Logo BlackBerry, Apple, Android di Status FB 100% Berhasil

Sebenarnya Zona Teknologi sudah mengulas dan membahas mengenai hal ini yaitu pada postingan berjudul “Cara Menampilkan Logo BlackBerry, Android, Apple di Update Status Facebook“.  Akan tetapi ada pembaca setia blog ini yang mencoba trik sebelumnya dan itu pun tidak berhasil.  Ketidakberhasilan dikarenakan link yang penulis berikan tersebut sudah expired dan tidak bisa dipakai lagi.  Oleh karena itu penulis mencari cara lain lagi agar bagi anda yang tidak mempunyai smartphone dapat update status di FB dengan memunculkan logo/icon smartphone yang anda gunakan via komputer anda.
Sebenarnya cara terbaru ini lebih simpel dan lebih aman tentunya untuk digunakan serta tingkat keberhasilannya lebih tinggi.  Mungkin langsung saja kita bahas:
1. Silahkan anda buka browser anda dan login akun Facebook anda
2. Buka tab browser baru anda lalu kunjungi situs funnyfacebook.org.  Kemudian lakukan “Register” agar anda bisa menggunakan fitur yang disediakan di situs tersebut.
 register di funnyfb
3.  Jika sudah register langsung saja “Login” maka anda sudah bisa menggunakan fitur yang anda.
4.  Setelah itu pilih menu “Status Via” di sisi kanan.
Memunculkan logo BB android apple di status FB
5. Setelah itu ada dua kolom yang berisikan jenis status via.  Kalau disisi sebelah kanan yang sering digunakan.  Pada kesempatan ini penulis akan mencontohkan memuncilkan logo Windows Phone di status Facebook.  Oleh karena itu pilih “Windows Phone” di menu kolom kanan (Featured Gadget)
Status via facebook
6. Setelah itu pilih “Update via Windows Phone
Update via windows phone7. Maka akan muncul tab pop up windows baru, nah disitu silahkan anda tulis status FB yang anda inginkan. lalu Pilih “Share
Logo Windows Phone di Status FB
Untuk liat hasilnya silahkan anda cek di profil Facebook anda, lebih jelasnya pilih menu Home/Beranda Facebook anda maka akan terlihat icon/logo Windows Phone.
Demikian cara terbaru untuk memunculkan logo smartphone yang anda pakai tanpa anda harus memilikinya dengan menggunakan komputer anda, selamat mencoba dan semoga bermanfaat.


Berikut ini adalah sepuluh kata kunci yang paling dicari di Yahoo! Indonesia sepanjang tahun 2012.

10. Innocence of Muslims
Kemunculan cuplikan sebuah film berjudul "Innocence of Muslims" di YouTube memicu protes besar mencuat dari penganut Islam di berbagai negara di seluruh dunia. 

9. Jokowi 
Pemilihan Gubernur DKI Jakarta mendominasi pemberitaan politik di media-media di Indonesia pada separuh 2012. Media nasional pun berlaku menjadi media Jakarta dengan terus-terusan memberikan porsi besar buat kampanye dua kandidat, petahana (incumbent) Fauzi Bowo dan gubernur pendatang Joko Widodo, mantan Walikota Solo. 

8. Sukhoi Superjet 100
Upaya Sukhoi untuk merambah ke industri pesawat komersial terhenti setelah sebuah kecelakaan naas menimpa salah satu pesawatnya yang sedang menjalani tur ke Asia. Pesawat Sukhoi Superjet 100 yang melakukan penerbangan demonstrasi atau joy flight di Gunung Salak, Jawa Barat, 8 Mei 2012 lalu ditemukan hancur setelah menabrak gunung.
7. Piala Eropa 2012 
Dalam empat tahun terakhir, Spanyol mencatatkan sebuah sejarah: mereka adalah tim yang mampu melipat tiga kejuaraan utama pada kompetisi sepak bola. Jika pada 2008 mereka menjadi juara Piala Eropa di Austria-Swiss, dua tahun kemudian mereka membawa pulang trofi Piala Dunia di Afrika Selatan. 

6. Angelina Sondakh 
Angelina Patricia Pingkan Sondakh didakwa menerima suap dari Nazaruddin terkait anggaran proyek Kementrian Pendidikan dan Kementrian Olahraga tahun 2010-2011. Menurut Komisi Pemberantasan Korupsi, uang yang diterima Angie adalah Rp 12,58 miliar dan US$ 2,35 juta.

5. Dewi Perssik 
Sepanjang 2012, Dewi Perssik tak lepas dari terpaan gosip. Di awal 2012, pertikaian antara Depe, begitu ia biasa dipanggil, dengan Julia Perez masih terus berlangsung. Bahkan Depe dituntut 2 bulan penjara dan 4 bulan masa percobaan atas tindakan penganiayaan ringan yang dia lakukan terhadap Julia Perez saat syuting film “Hantu Arwah Goyang Karawang”.

4. Kim Kardashian 
Di setiap negara, pasti ada sosok pesohor yang minim prestasi tapi populer luar biasa. Di Negeri Paman Sam, siapa yang tak kenal Kim Kardashian, sosialita kelas kakap yang memiliki program acara realita sendiri. Meski bukan aktris atau penyanyi, dirinya kerap menghiasi karpet merah acara-acara glamor Hollywood, juga sampul majalah terkenal.

3. Nikita Mirzani 
Banyak cara menjadi terkenal secara instan. Salah satunya seperti yang dilakukan Nikita Mirzani. Karya Nikita di dunia hiburan hanya diketahui sangat sedikit orang, namun nama perempuan kelahiran 17 Maret 1986 ini tak berhenti menghiasi media sepanjang 2012. Penyebabnya: foto syur.

2. Kristen Stewarts 
Bella Swan mungkin salah satu karakter fiksi yang paling diidolakan banyak remaja. Maka ketika tokoh wanita dalam novel “Twilight” karya Stephenie Meyer ini diangkat ke layar lebar, semua mata pun tertuju pada Kristen Stewart, pemeran karakter itu.

1. Syahrini
Setelah fenomena berbagai macam gaya rambut unik Syahrini terus menghiasi empat bulan pertama 2012, tiba saatnya bagi Syahrini untuk memperhatikan urusan asmaranya. Setelah membuat kata "sesuatu" tenar, dirinya memopulerkan kata baru: "cetar". Menurut Syahrini, kata "cetar" ini dia pakai saat dia memuji orang yang lebih dari "sesuatu".

7 Langkah Pencegahan Penyalahgunaan Narkoba

Selasa, 11 Desember 2012

Narkoba No Way

Lebih baik mencegah dari pada menyembuhkan. Mencegah para remaja maupun orang dewasa dari penyalahgunaan narkoba sebetulnya tidak rumit sama sekali, asal kita tahu benar apa yang harus kita lakukan dan apa yang kita hadapi.

Berikut adalah 7 langkah pencegahan untuk menghindarkan seseorang dari pemakaian dan penyalahgunaan zat-zat berbahaya tersebut.

1.         Menanamkan pemahaman hidup sehat anak usia dini
Sebagai orang tua, kita harus dapat menerangkan dengan menarik untuk menanamkan perilaku hidup bagi anak-anak kita. Misalnya asupan makanan/minuman apa yang baik bagi tubuh mereka dan asupan makanan/minuman apa yang berbahaya bagi tubuh mereka. Ini akan mempertajam kesadarannya akan tubuhnya sendiri yang harus ia rawat dengan baik bagian luar dan dalamnya. Pengetahuan mengenal fungsi dan kekuatan/kelemahan tubuhnya sendiri, harus diberitahu.
Perilaku hidup sehat akan paling manjur hasilnya bila diajarkan sedari anak kita masih kecil, sedini mungkin. Karena apa saja yang ia pelajari sewaktu kecil akan melekat selamanya di memori otaknya. Menanamkan kesadaran hidup sehat dengan berolah raga secara rutin (yang tentunya harus juga diterapkan oleh kedua orang tua mereka), menjadi kelanjutan dari langkah sebelumnya tadi.
Orang tua seyogianya menjadi role-model bagi anak-anak mereka, harus memberikan contoh yang baik bila ingin anaknya berperilaku baik. Sering kali kita sebagai orang tua lupa bahwa anak kita belajar dari tingkah laku dan perilaku kita yang mereka lihat dan perhatikan setiap harinya dari bayi sampai remaja. Anak-anak kita belajar, meniru, dari orang yang sehariannya berada paling dekat dengan mereka. Maka seharusnya kita tidak merokok atau minum minuman beralkohol bila kita tidak mau anak-anak kita meniru kita atau bahkan mencoba-coba dan menyalahgunakan narkoba.
2.         Pemahaman akan adanya racun di sekeliling kita
Memberikan pemahaman sedini mungkin akan adanya racun di alam sekeliling kita, akan sangat bermanfaat dan dapat menyelamatkan anak-anak kita dari penggunaan zat-zat berbahaya. Penerangan bahwa ada racun pada tumbuh-tumbuhan seperti jamur dan tumbuhan lainnya yang beracun, racun pada gigitan ular, sengatan ubur-ubur, dan binatang lainnya yang berbisa, juga racun yang secara sengaja maupun tak sengaja diproduksi oleh manusia, seperti polusi asap dari knalpot mobil, asap dan limbah beracun dari pabrik-pabrik, asap rokok, dlsb.
Mendidik meraka untuk sadar (aware) bahwa zat-zat yang sangat berbahaya bagi tubuh kita (bagi kelangsungan hidup kita) ada di sekitar kita dan setiap zat yang membahayakan kesehatan kita harus dijahui (avoid) atau terkadang dimusnahkan. Jadi bila suatu saat ia akan berhadapan dengan narkoba (biasanya ditawarkan oleh lingkungan teman-teman terdekatnya), maka kita harapkan ia akan menolak untuk mengkonsumsi narkoba, zat yang asing yang dapat membahayakan kesehatan dan hidupnya. Maka dari itu informasi mengenai racun di sekeliling kita, juga narkoba, harus diberikan kepada mereka sedetail dan sejelas mungkin.
3.         Memberikan informasi yang akurat dan jelas
Memberikan informasi yang akurat dan jelas mengenai bahaya dari setiap jenis narkoba merupakan kewajiban bila kita ingin membentengi/menyelematkan anak-anak kita (atau pun orang lainnya) dari bahaya narkoba. Tanpa informasi yang akurat dan jelas, seorang anak belum tentu menyadari narkoba yang ditawari temannya itu berbahaya bagi kehidupannya. Tetapi bila ia mendapat informasi yang akurat dan jelas mengenai bahaya narkoba, pasti ia akan menolaknya. Seharusnya pemberian informasi yang akurat dan jelas harus juga diberikan oleh sekolah-sekolah sebagai salah satu sub-kurikulum yang wajib diikuti oleh setiap anak. Informasi mengenai jenis-jenis narkoba. Dampak bila menggunakannya, dampaknya bagi organ-organ tubuh kita serta dampak dari segi hukumnya bila tertangkap memiliki, menggunakan atau mengedarkan narkoba; Penyakit yang dapat diderita sebagai akibat pemakaian narkoba (infeksi klep kanan jantung, kerusakan hati atau cirrhosis, HIV/AIDS, dan lainnya)
Hampir dapat dipastikan bila seorang sudah mendapatkan informasi mengenai narkoba yang akurat dan jelas, daya tarik narkoba yang seindah apapun akan lansung amblas, sirna, dibandingkan dengan dashatnya dampak kerusakan yang akan diakibatkan oleh zat-zat narkoba itu kepada penggunannya.
4.         Bekerjasama dengan tempat pendidikan (sekolah atau universitas)
Bekerjasama dengan sekolah ataupun universitas di mana anak-anak kita menuntut ilmu, untuk merancang program pemantauan, pencegahan, dan juga program penanggulangan narkoba secara holistic yang spesifik dengan pusat-pusat pendidikan tersebut (yang sebetulnya hanya berbeda sedikit saja dari satu sekolah ke sekolah yang lainnya)
Kerjasama yang terkoordinir dengan baik yang melibatkan setiap sendi dalam kehidupan di sekolah ataupun kampus seperti: Dosen, guru-guru, guru BK (bimbingan konseling), Osis, Satpam/security, penjaga kantin, dan karyawan lainnya di lingkungan sekolah/kampus (yang sering mendapatkan para siswa/mahasiswanya memakai narkoba di WC/toilet), dan yang lainnya.
5.         Tanggap lingkungan
Orang tua selalu tanggap lingkunga di rumah mereka sendri, di mana anak-anak mereka tumbuh. Orang tua harus selalu sadar akan perubahan-perubahan kecil dari perilaku sang anak. Perubahan-perubahan masa puber dan peralihan anak menjadi remaja, remaja menjadi dewasa, tidak sama dengan perubahan perilaku seorang anak yang mulai ter ekspos pada narkoba, atau yang sudah kecanduan narkoba.
6.         Bekerjasama dengan lingkungan rumah
Kita sebaiknya bekerjasama dengan lingkungan rumah kita seperti dengan ketua RT, RW, dsb. Terutama dengan tetangga yang mempunyai anak seusia atau yang lebih tua dari anak kita. Menjalin hubungan yang baik dengan para tetangga selalu mendatangkan kenyamanan dan keamanan bagi kita.
Kita bisa membuat sistem pemantauan keamanan bersama tetangga lainnya yang juga melibatkan ketua RT untuk memantau keamanan umum dan memantau bila ada anak-anak di RT kita yang disinyalir menggunkan narkoba. Bila sistem yang dibangun bersama para tetangga itu kuat, dijamin gejala-gejala penyalahgunaan narkoba di pemukiman kita akan terdeteksi dan dapat tertanggulangi dengan cepat dan baik
7.         Hubungan interpersonal yang baik
Hubungan interpersonal yang baik dengan pasangan dan juga dengan anak-anak kita, akan memungkinkan kita melihat gejala-gejala awal pemakaian narkoba pada anak-anak kita. Kedekatan hubungan batin dengan orang tua akan membuat anak merasa nyaman dan aman, menjadi benteng bagi keselamatan mereka dalam mengarungi kehidupan mereka nanti.
Bila orang tua sering ribut, cekcok, maka itu bisa memengaruhi sang anak secara psikologis. Kegalauan ini bisa memancingnya untuk mencoba narkoba dengan berbagai macam alasan yang dicarinya sendiri. Misalnya supaya diperhatikan, sikap masa bodoh terhadap hidupnya, untuk mengatasi kemarahan, ketidaksenagan, atau kesedihan yang timbul dari melihat orang tua mereka yang selalu bertengkar.
Ketujuh langkah itu sangat ampuh melindungi anak-anak kita dari godaan untuk mencoba zat-zat narkoba, asalkan ke tujuh langkah pertama itu dijalankan dengan penuh komitmen, sungguh-sungguh, dan dengan sebaik-baiknya.


Pemakaian narkoba di kalangan remaja dan mahasiswa di Sumatera Selatan (Sumsel) menempati urutan ketiga di Indonesia setelah Jakarta dan Sumatera Utara. Hal itu diungkapkan Penyuluh Madya Bidang Pencegahan Badan Narkotika Nasional (BNN) Yudi Kusmayadi dalam diskusi narkoba dan judi yang diselenggarakan Jaringan Jurnalis Televisi, Rabu (13/2) di Palembang, Sumsel.
Menurut Yudi, peringkat tersebut diperoleh berdasarkan penelitian yang dilakukan BNN bersama Universitas Indonesia pada tahun 2006. Penelitian tersebut menunjukkan dari jumlah total pengguna Sumsel menduduki peringkat sepuluh besar, namun khusus pengguna di kalangan remaja dan mahasiswa Sumsel urutan ketiga.
Yudi menjelaskan, indikator tingginya pemakaian narkoba di kalangan remaja dan mahasiswa terlihat dari angka prevalensi. Angka prevalensi yang mencapai 5,6 persen berarti dari 100 remaja dan mahasiswa terdapat lima sampai enam orang yang menggunakan narkoba.
Kepala Polda Sumsel Inspektur Jenderal Ito Sumardi yang juga sebagai pembicara dalam diskusi tersebut mengatakan, tingginya jumlah remaja dan mahasiswa yang menggunakan narkoba justru karena aparat kepolisian di Sumsel aktif melakukan penangkapan.
Akibat banyaknya tersangka narkoba yang ditangkap menyebabkan jumlah pemakai narkoba di Sumsel tinggi. Setiap dilakukan penangkapan selalu dilaporkan. Semakin intensif penangkapan, semakin berdampak pada tingginya angka pemakai narkoba, kata Ito.

| supri's BLOG

| supri's BLOG

story map d-s

Senin, 03 Desember 2012


KELAS: XI-ipa1







 B. Problem

one day they were unable to obtain a tail game. The frustration finally peaked when Limbat reported to her employer that meat supplies in their homes have been lost stolen.


Introduction; In antiquity in Tondano lived a mighty hunter named Sigarlaki. He is very famous for its expertise spear. None of the targets that escaped from his spear.
Body: Sigarlaki have a very loyal servant named Limbat. Almost all of the work ordered by Sigarlaki done well by Limbat. Although well known as a powerful hunter, one day they were unable to obtain a tail game. The frustration finally peaked when Limbat reported to her employer that meat supplies in their homes have been lost stolen.
             Without thinking, at the time that morning Sigarlaki accuse the maid was stealing their meat supplies. The Limbat be very surprised. Never thought employers would bear accuse him of theft. But he was convinced that all of this is just a trial from God.
             Then Si Si Limbat Sigarlaki asked to prove that he was not stealing. The trick is Sigarlaki will stick his spear into a pond. At the same time he sent Limbat Si diving. When the spear was first out of the pool means Si Limbat not steal. When The Limbat coming out of the pool first then proved that he stole.
             Terms of weird that makes The Limbat fear. But somehow he is willing to prove himself clean. Then he dived Sigarlaki plugging along with his spear.
             Just stick the spear, suddenly Sigarlaki saw a wild pig drinking at a pool. He immediately raised his spear and threw it toward the boar. But tombakan had escaped. The Sigarlaki thus should have lost to Si Limbat. But he asked that the evidence was repeated again.

Clossing: With a heavy heart Limbat The employer finally follow orders. Just stick the spear in the pool, suddenly Sigarlaki leg was bitten by a large crab. He was screaming in pain and unintentionally raised his spear. Thus finally Si Limbat wins. He was able to prove he did not steal. While Sigarlaki because of indiscriminate accusation, large crab bitten suspended and eventually Sigarlaki was sorry that he did not believe the words of the Limbat

D.Hidden Message

Do not like to accuse people without proof.

Kamis, 29 November 2012

= War = Spider
When I was 5 years old I was a humiliating experience for me as well as creepy. On a quiet night at exactly 10:30 pm I woke up from the dream world and went straight to the bathroom to urinate, for some reason I could not fall back asleep, I tried to close my eyes, but not too sleepy to come, as there is a bad feeling that would happen .
It's true, when I reached over and turned his head to the heavens my room, how surprised I was when I found five spiders big enough sarangnya.Memang I almost fell out of the fear of many-legged animal, it feels like once I shouted but I'm definitely going to wake the whole house and even my neighbors might bangun.Terpaksa I hold to the extent that a cold sweat and nearly wetting.
An hour later one spider suddenly the wind and fell and landed on my head, spontaneously I took my English dictionary that is thick and memukulkanya near me to my face. Unfortunately my book so thick it was about a spider instead just hurt my nose to bleed, like mocking spiders fell danced under my bed and then hidden somewhere kemana.Namun I could only surrender and turned back to return to the four- The remaining profit.Not for some time, one of the spider as accidentally dropped, but I'm getting somewhere with a few pillows, brooms and rolling like going to war. When the spider up in bed, I simply throw all the objects that I take that and I'm treading it all. Not stopping there, the third even spiders still on as to attack, they dropped away one by one. I had direct wits I grabbed all the objects that exist near me and threw it. And right about all of that spider. I was overjoyed to find all the spider was dead.But a few moments later at exactly 02.30WIB open my door and find his father, mother, sister and maid like my surprise when I saw the situation as a disaster. "You are doing aja's deck, rame really really!" Said my sister, "Lha yeah, it bothers you a sleeping person, it is what you do anyway? "My father added. "Anu well there was a spider so big, scary deh." Mine. "Ah, you are too much! Just because a spider aja kok up like this! "Said my brother. "Well it's okay, why lha nose kid? How to bleed like that? "Said the mother. "It's okay mom, just a scratch." I answered with a lie. "It's been done before, you used to sleep with your sister there and tomorrow's aunt Minah Riani yes please make up this room." Begged father wisely. "Well sir, tomorrow morning- I am going to do. "said aunt Minah. "Yes bi, we now let's sleep, sleepiness ya!" I begged her-ucek rubbed my eyes are sleepy. "Yes-yes, let's all sleep!" Replied the mother.Once in the bedroom my sister, I went straight to bed, glancing at the ceiling and said "Gee, not a spider the same war again." My sister glances with a chuckle and said, "I can sleep once you have school tomorrow right?" "Okay sis" I replied. And a few minutes later I was fast asleep.


Intrinsic value:1. Theme: Phobia or fear of excessive2. Leader: Riani, sister, mother, father, aunt Minah.3. Character:a. Riani: coward (Granted I'm most afraid of that many-legged animal)
Sloppy (I spontaneously take my English dictionary that is thick and memukulkanya near me to my face. Unfortunately my book so thick it was about a spider instead just hurt my nose to bleed)
Liar ("It's okay mom, just a scratch." I answered with a lie.)b. Big Brother: Grumpy ("You are doing aja's deck, rame really really!" Cried my sister) (. "Ah, you are ridiculous! Happened just because spiders aja kok up like this!" Said my brother.)
Easy laughs (My brother glanced chuckling)

c. Father: Grumpy ("LHA yeah, it bothers you a sleeping person, it is what you do anyway?" Added the father.)
Wise ("It's been done before, you used to sleep with your sister there and tomorrow's aunt Minah Riani yes please make up this room." Begged father wisely.)d. Mother: Patience ("Well it's okay.")
Attention ("Well it's okay, why lha nose kid? Kok to bleed like that?" Said the mother.)c. Aunt Minah: Diligent ("Well sir, tomorrow morning I will do." Said aunt Minah.)4. Flow: Forward5. Angle of view: first person6. Mandate: Do not be too timid by any7. Setting / background:a. Place: Riani bedrooms, bathroom, bedroom brotherb. Time: Evening, at 10:30 pm until 2:30 pm at the morningc. Atmosphere: Lonely8. The value of health: Do not be afraid of anything too much, because it is not good for health.


Drizzle does not stop as well, coupled with the Dance since coming home from school had not come out of his room. And the clock was a gift from his show at 17:15. That means getting close to sunset prayer.

Dance glanced back bututnya books. Ouch! Alas, he slammed the breath upset that he read in the book that it has not entered also into his brain. Because tired, he selonjoran roses on a mattress that. Instead, he remembered his ex. He pulled tu photo from his wallet. Huh, if only! Adu, he merely. Lazy ah!

He immediately hid flash memory objects with Audra was in his wallet. Silly of me! Long-haired black girl complaining, but regret not stepping-nginjak inner go-go too. Iih, Dance mumbled. Why am I used to waste it, huh? Ga adults, lack of gratitude? Or, she's too childlike?

The memory is still stuck in the brain dance, while the figure dikenangnya gave him a letter. Dance invites a letter breaking up with her. It Audra figure that as a child, shy, clever, brown-skinned, clean face, and that's not including the tall type of dance. But it is difficult to decide to drop out or not at the time. So far since breaking up with Audra, he often delusional, delusional if he thinks could be grown again. But what has happened can not go back again.

Instead he recalled with a violent father, he is mending his memory comes with Audra. Plaque!! Inner Tari shaking, slap her father to her mother until her eardrum moves. Father, Father! Enough! Dance ran crying. No wonder if the dance is sometimes silent in class. Anxious faces made him full of mystery. But in fact it includes female patient and strong as he can survive with such families kondisin.

Tet tet tet! Dance school bell jingled, signaling recess was over. But the dance was still sitting on the bench until Jackie terenung his friend was awakened from her reverie.

"Ei, kowe aja kok daydream anyway?"
"Yeah ya, I'm dizzy again."
"Ooo, so why not pray Duha kowe, usually kowekan so diligent."
"Hey, it was Audra!" Yanti menyoel-nyoel Dance. Paan hell! If you like him do not like this then! Ne who likes me what kowe, Ihiir!! Yanti insinuated that his pal.

But the funny friend, eventually Dance can smile that since yesterday he continued to weep and mourn for her father's mother who was accidentally slapped his father warned not to smoke and go home at night. Yan, I tuh already broke up with him! Dance denan resist interrupting his friend laughed for I see that Jackie's face expression like "Aming" comedians that.

Certainly not dance will say to Jackie when she was sad and crying destiny. Limit storytelling remains. Dance and do not want to be sad because his friend's life miserable.

And that afternoon despite Indonesian Language Dance followed, but his mind was still flying everywhere. If Audra still be my boyfriend! surely the problem will blow over him. Huh unfortunately fate. Eiiiiihh!! His screams were making noise and shocked classmates. It begins with a pat Bejo Dance.

"Tar, hihihihi, daydream wrote, kesambet lo EVER!" Bejo pretended not to understand his mistake. And because of him dance called ahead by Bu Tartik, most teachers in the school killer.
"Dance! Forward. "
"Oh, My God!"
"What did you say?"
"Mom nope, nope!"

All my friends laughed dance while holding laughing because it did not want Mom Tartik hear them laugh, but not with Yanti and Audra. They look'm thinking something.

"Ono opo ya ma Dance?"
"Yeah yeah, what's with the dance, what is my fault?"

Friends bench Yanti and is none other than Audra trigger words like that. And make Yanti surprised and thought what exactly they both still love each other.
But ............
At other positions, Dance Mom scolded Tartik abis-abisan.

"Tariiiii, you're it! If you do not want to follow my lessons. You do not disturb the lesson Mom! "Dance a flushed face made her look exhausted eat 100 chili red curly commonly seen in the kitchen when she was cooking with her mother.
Tet tet tet tet tet tet ............

Fortunately Dance suffering stop, school bell memengakkan ear save his life today. Not only dance, her friends are also saved. Because they did not want to follow this course. But when he saw Mrs. Tartik, they eventually followed.

"Sit ye! Class president led a prayer! "
"Yes ma'am." Dance and chairman replied with his class. After Mrs. Tartik out of the classroom, Yanti with strawberry red bag was snatched Dance. Tar kowe why?
"Yeah, you're what?"

Oh My God, Audra! Dance of the original direct sullen glow when Audra approach and attention to him.
"I'm not okay Dra! I only just ........ "
"Just you ngelamunin Dra." Bejo interrupted speech defending his pal Jackie Dance yet.
"Bejo! kowe ngono ojo. "
"No no, I'm dizzy wrote, Dra not you go home?" Dance divert atmosphere and it worked.
"Yes uda, I go home, yes." Audra glanced Dance with a smile that could make the dance intoxicated. Bejo followed him from behind.
"Tar, kowe was really dizzy ta?"
"Ehmm, is not it, I was again thinking about Audra but because Bejo artisan nosy, I'm so dicereweti Bu Tartik deh."
"Ooo, weve kowe tuh!"
"Eeemang!" Dance teased his friend and embraced that Yanti go home with him. Then they must still wait for a blue vehicle labeled "AMG" (Arjosari-Tower) it.

7 pm ............
Dad was watching TV and you call the dance. Not usually, you would talk to Dance. Dance here! Father would say. Tomorrow there will be a family friend Father would propose, so tomorrow you have to go straight home after school finishes.
"But sir, I'm still in school, cook wants spoken for."

"You can be engaged before and after graduating from college, you just marry him!"
Dad did not want to hear any excuse of Dance. If Mr. A talked, then dance to follow. Dance did not know what to do, not what to do. Dance confused! Dance should be how ya Allah? Mother Dance knocked on the door and after a mother came in, they were involved in the talks.

"Patience yes my son, the mother is always here with you." They were both crying. Dance does not go the next day to go to school because he was too tired. Tired of crying all night. It is just a coincidence or destiny, Audra also not enter. I do not know why. In a house on the street araya, there was talk among the family.
"Papa, Audra did not want an arranged marriage!"
"Boy, he's good for you! It is up to you what the reason, the important thing now you get ready for the afternoon! "

Dance Jam in the room was showing at 15.00 and soon he will be spoken. Bun! I do not want to wear kebaya, he throws a white kebaya if dipakenya will fit in a slim body. Mother, I'm going with this match just because of that does not hurt Mother Father! Her mother dances to clarify the reason. Suddenly a green sedan quietly go to home page Dance and stopped right in front of the porch. Mr. welcoming family. But there is a strange boy of the family it looks gloomy and lazy just like dance. Welcome! Please login. Dad invited them inside.

Assisted with the mother, he soon wore white shoes shiny highheels with a rush. Though forced, Dance finally out and meet families suitors.
When the dance face to face with the boys black suit with an open collar look good at the time, he seemed ready to faint on the spot. Did you? Ye?? Dance amazed him.

"Yes, I'm Audra!" He's Audra, ex. Oh, this is kind of destiny? By reflex, Audra and hugged Dance ...............

"Tar, I love you!"
"Dra I, I love you!"

1. Theme: Love and destiny

2. mandate:

     In the face of any event must be mature and think long.
     Be patient in this life.
     Believing that Allah destiny
     Do not use violence in the act
     Obey and respect our parents
     Do not regret anything that has happened
     Stop daydreaming and not focus during lessons

3. Flow: Mixed

4. setting:

     Dance Room at 17:15
     After grade school recess
     At 7 pm in the lounge watching TV
     Room after prayers isyak
     Houses in the Araya
     At 15.00 in the Dance

5. Personalities / disposition:

     Dance: patient, resilient, closed, strong, pious, fancier.
     Audra: immature, attention, shy
     Yanti: cooked, kind, considerate, love, funny, loyal friend
     Father: stubborn, pushy, selfish, abusive, easy emotions
     Mother: patient, loving, caring, gentle, willing to sacrifice
     Bejo: Nosy, cooked, naughty
     Bu Tartik: Grumpy, firm, killer
     Papa: Selfish

6. Point of view: third person omniscient


    An old man leaned the bike bututnya in the village hall car park. Having just arrived, he was finally seated in the back of the queue. An hour had he sat in line at that place. A few moments later, it was the old man in the front of the queue. He pulled out a red folder that he packs with black crackle and handed it to the clerk wards. The petugaspun directly examine one's grandfather's red folder contents earlier.

"Sorry sir, but the terms father incomplete. Father had requested a statement capable of RT and RW, a new father can come back here. Village officials said the handing back my grandfather's red folder.

The old man still trying to smile, already more than an hour he sat there waiting but it all was in vain. He returned to his old bicycle parked between some cars and motorcycles.

Old man who daily work as porters in the market that was once a freedom fighter, had many bitter sweet experience going through. He has lost a lot of my comrades in arms, but the death of his friends are not in vain. They are all martyrs, they all die a martyr, to die in the divine as the interest of the nation.

The old man suddenly heard the honking bus jolted him out of his reverie past. There was discovered he had been on the road, that means he should be more careful again.

The old man now lives with his wife in their home under the bridge after police evicted a week ago. But unfortunately now his wife is very ill and was hospitalized, while the grandfather is seeking free treatment for the wife.
Suddenly anngin blow faster and faster, the thunder began to sound and turned into a black mark awanpun going to rain. And sure enough, the rain pouring down. The grandfather decided to take shelter in a doorway because it carries not want the map to be wet and damaged.

It was from the old man had been sheltering in front of satay stalls, no wonder his stomach was getting hungry. He recalled that the last time he had eaten since last night, while two more hours now. He briefly turned into a satay stall earlier, in which many people were eating greedily. The old man smiled, he felt proud of his struggle at first cast out of his homeland Company was not in vain. When he and his comrades in arms once failed repel invaders, they might not be able to enjoy this atmosphere.

Old man then turned his gaze to the television, who had been on set by a trader who sells tapes not far from it. The television was broadcasting a neat black suit with tie giving a speech in a room that looks very luxurious. The old man guessed that people who appear on television before being must have an official country. In his speech, the man said that people in his country had lost a sense of nationalism, people dinegerinya also said to have lost the love of his homeland. For a moment he thought the words reflect official said. She wondered, who actually have no nationalism, the people of his country or the officials?

Is the officer is an officer bernasionalisme heavy meal while people starve to death? Do nationalist officials are officials of free flights around the world as people in his country queued up for days bbm? Or officials who have a lot of luxury cars while people crammed into a railway carriage?

These questions are kept in the mind, but she knew she had to go now. His wife was in the hospital would have been waiting and now the rain had stopped, the old man back pedaling.

Arriving at the old hospital snicker parked his bike and immediately rushed to the room where his wife was being treated. Somehow the old man always felt uneasy every away from his wife. He would make sure first that she did not need his help, he will depart again recently to take care waivers letter to the RT and RW.

When got to the room where his wife was being treated, he found that the room was empty. Kamarpun doors locked so they can not be opened, but the grandfather was convinced he was not one of the rooms. In her heart she thought that perhaps she had recovered so moved to another place by the doctor. But for sure, the old man looking for a doctor check on her this morning. The grandfather had earlier asked the doctor where she now resides. The doctor was looking at the face of the old man with tears in her eyes.

"Sorry sir, we've tried our best but it was God wills others. Wife's father had died an hour ago. "Said the doctor who could not hide his grief.
The grandfather had tears in her eyes, her body shook, red folder he was carrying fell from her grip. His views became increasingly blurred and slowly into darkness. The grandfather was now not remember anything else.

The next day two new mounds appeared in the cemetery. The one labeled Darsono bin Atmo, an old veteran of the daily work as porters. While the other tombstone reads Pariyem bint Ngatijo, wife of the veteran fighters. Despite the poor veteran now gone. But in the country, the country where wood and stone can be plants, there are still many people who suffer the same fate it even more tragic. They all, of the people in the country, many are willing to work hard to squeeze blood toil just to eat once a day.

From the example above stories, we can determine the elements that build intrinsic short stories, namely:

Intrinsic Elements

1. Theme: Struggle
2. Flow: Forward
3. Background:

Venue: Village Hall office, shop-fronts, hospital.
Time: During the day, two in the afternoon.
Atmosphere: Sad, touching.

4. Characterizations:

Old Man: hardworking, patient, friendly.
Wife: loyal, patient.

5. Viewpoint: A third person omniscient.
6. Mandate: Stay patient and keep fighting as hard as any state.

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